When immigrating to or emigrating from the Netherlands you will be confronted with numerous formalities which can be experienced as red tape regulation. The tax specialists of Van Noort Gassler & Co can take care of these formalities and can provide all other occurring services for expats. We advise on the tax and social security position of the expat, prepare and file the necessary income tax returns (P-, C- and M-forms) and assist in claiming available government benefits. Furthermore we take care of the application of the 30% ruling.
Recapping we can provide the following services to you:
- Dutch income tax return (‘aangifte inkomstenbelasting’)
- P form (tax return for resident tax payers)
- C form (tax return for non-resident tax payers)
- M form (tax return for tax payers who lived in the Netherlands only part of the year)
- 30% ruling (30% facility for incoming employees)
- Dutch government benefits (‘toeslagen’)
- Health care benefit (‘Zorgtoeslag’)
- Child budget (‘Kindgebonden budget’)
- Rent benefit (‘Huurtoeslag’)
- Childcare benefit (‘Kinderopvangtoeslag’)